I have the diet blues

21 Jun

Hiya guys hope your all well and life is treating you good.

Well me i am not doing so good at all. I have been sick for the last while and when i say sick i mean very sick. I think its due to the stress of everything really. I mean this whole global money crisis havent helped anyone and the whole thing of not having a whole lot of money in the kitty hasnt helps things either. So after a while of being sick i decided to go to the doctr. I have had crippling tummy pains for the last while and well anytime i ate some food well i wasnt keeping it for long. I also noticed a little while back i was getting a bit too skinny for my liking. Dont get me wrong i am a skinny girl but when i started to see a size zero person standing in front of my mirror instead of me i was starting to worry.

So i took a trip to my GP last week. Only to see that my regular doctor wasnt there so i had to see the part time doctor that is actaully a parttimer who comes in to cover the other doctors that might be on leave or might be on holiday. Now i have to say that i hate seeing new doctors its something that i dont like doing. Seeing a complete stranger and telling her my most personal information about me and who i am and what i do. So as i knocked on the door i was greeted by a somewhat nice lady doctor. So tell me she says what can i do for you today she said in a cheery voice. Well i have been sick for the last while and i havent been eating properly and i need you to fix this problem. Okay dokey she says and as i took off my jacket she gave me this shocked looked on her face. Have you been eating properly ms rogers she said as she poked at my frame with her finger. Well you see thats the probelm i have been sick for the last while and i cant eat. So as soon as she said down and i got dressed i was given the low down on my shocking weight loss.

So i told her i was under stress and anytime i ate food i could not keep it in me. So she told me staright away what it was. I think you should avoid dairy and wheat for the next while. Try and take some vitamins and try and cut back on the stress. Wwhn she said cut back on the stress i could have cried. I had to tell her what was going on living in a bad neighbour hood and worrying about my sick mum. So she wasnt all that helpful so when were finsihed i got my coat and walked away. I went for walk thru the park and had a little time to myself and think about whats been going on and how to fix this problem. When i went home i typed in my little problem to yahoo answers and 2 minutes later i got the answer and not only the answer some nice tasty recipes to help me alone the way.

I now have cut all dairy and wheat away from my diet and i am feeling a bit better in myself. My skin is starting to clear up my body is slowly starting to accept food again and i actaullyfeel better in myself. I think the only thing that i miss from my diet is my latte coffees but its a small sacrifice  to getting back to proper health. I am eating plenty of greens and lots of vegetables and some red meat and lots of fish but i am getting there towards better health.  So in a way this blog is just to clear up a few things about me and my health and why i have been commenting on my dairy and wheat free diet on facebook.

So i say goodbye to you and i hope that this clears things up.


Posted by on 06/21/2009 in daily rants


2 responses to “I have the diet blues

  1. Kate

    06/22/2009 at 4:23 pm

    You take it easy young lady – its going to take a while before you’re better by the sound of it!
    Me and Hippie send hugs!!

  2. vagab0ndage

    06/22/2009 at 6:01 pm

    ahh thanks very much i love your dog hippie how is the budding romance getting on? will i buy a new hat for the big day


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